For Hire

I’m really looking hard for work.  I’m getting less specific, or lets call it:

Broadening my horizons

It is not easy to turn hobby into business.  I never would keep track of how much I’m spending on yarn, but if it is a business expense, I had better.  It is the raw materials for my finished product and should be calculated along with the hours spent making it into the final cost.

I do love writing.  I started blogging because I quit facebook – cold turkey.  I still have that need to just share my thoughts and photographs and love trying to keep focused here.  I have been reading about blogging, of course on other blogs about blogging.  What a business.  But people do create businesses from their blogs.   They have a niche, and that is key.  Then they have a blog post called a “Pillar Article”.  It can be a good long article that is a “How-to” or a “Mega-list” of the top 10 whatevers.  Good blogs have lots of these how-to articles at least once a week.  This is supposed to attract readers.  More readers means when advertisements are added, more revenue can be made.

They say after entertainment, people use the internet to learn how to do things.  I agree 100%.  I play games, look at pictures, but then I mostly use search engines to either look up a word or for a tutorial on how to do something.  Mostly knitting, but I do have other interests and passing thoughts.  Smartphones have allowed me to look up articles on transplanting a tree while I am in the yard, shovel in hand, fingers coated in dirt.  I think that is the biggest game changer in web searches.  No longer does a person have to wait until they sit down at a PC to search and try to remember what it was they wanted to look up.

My windows phone has a magnifying glass button that takes me straight to  I can’t say how many times a day I press that button.  I often look at eHow articles because they are brief and load quickly.  Do people get paid to write those?  Maybe they are just creating a writing portfolio on the web.  I just got started on looking for work.  I stumbled upon it because I saw a knitting job there.  Now that I have my profile looking good, that job is gone.  But I did find several writing jobs that I applied for.  I have been building my profile and put one of my recent blog posts in my portfolio to show an example of my writing skills.  I also have some knits I am proud of, just in case another knit job pops up.

However, real writing takes planning.  When I post here I just let it all out.   I try to stay on topic, but sometimes, like today its just rambling.  I don’t care if anyone is reading. “holla!”  This blog is really about me keeping my sanity.  Moving up from depression and boredom.  I have good skills in creative writing, academic writing and technical writing.  I bought this laptop I am typing on because I wanted to start writing.  My good bipolar friend is writing.  I have an idea that I think could make a great novel, I just have to get it down.  I have written outlines, plotlines, character development.  I have even interviewed my main character, Ellana.  She has a mean streak, but is likeable, I hope.  I had to add “writing” to my category list because I realize I have a fourth creative outlet that I wasn’t counting before.

I feel like the girl in the spoof commercial for yo-yo’s

There just aren’t enough hours in the day!!!