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The original bipolar – 221b

I did a double somersault out of borderline depression today, and have been awake a good 21 hours now, busy busy busy, mind running running running.  So why not a blog post too?  I’ve also been surrounding myself with a man I have known well since high school.  He is very popular these days.  He has been seen recently on CBS, the BBC, and just last week I rewatched him played by RDJ – Robert Downey Jr.  Today I have been listening to him via the original ACD on my mobile listening device.

It’s elementary to deduce of whom I speak of, the original bipolar consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes.  All of his incarnations show the tell-tale traits of a mentally unbalanced genius.  He can go from super sleuth to sorry sap in a blink of the eye.  He dazes off in deep thought never realizing that days have passed.  He forgets to eat and sleep or even love.  Yet he is never lonely because he has his humble hero, Watson.

I could go on for days about him.  I don’t come close to his observational skills, but feel a certain kinship in his philosophy of mind.  I can be crazily focused on something and stare at it to pieces analyzing it.  I marvel others with my logical reasoning that works seven steps ahead of a common woman.  I can be really awkward and off-putting in social situations, never on purpose, but come off being cold and heartless to strangers.  I have but one lifelong mate that is fascinated by me, and I invite to follow me in my life adventure.

I have no interest in crime science, but could compare passions with my mad knitting skills.  I think about knitting in spurts and fill my finite closet of mindspace with acquired knowledge of patterns, fibers, and techniques.  Whenever I read a written pattern, no matter how badly written, I must imagine the knitting in my mind with each step.  I can’t just blindly follow the instructions.  I want to know why each stitch is there.  I now find a pattern I like and change it to something better, something mine.  Close to perfection.

Here is something funny to end with.  The many states of Holmes. He is my favorite bipolar.

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